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cello 4/4, geselecteerd sparren en mooi gevlamd esdoorn, gepatineerde lak, 'Stradivarius' model



De cello wordt perfect speelklaar geleverd met Jargar blauw snaren, het geleverde instrument kan een beetje verschillen met de foto.

The different models of this conservatory serie are based on well-known antique instruments made by important violin makers as Antonio Stradivari or Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù and more.
The incredible quality of those cellos make them a very good start for a professional career.

• High quality woods
• Copies of well sounding instruments models
• The skills of violin makers with long experience in the workplace
• High quality varnish applied by specialized peoples

Those are few of the many making qualities the STC750 cellos have. Those insure every cello to have its own personality which was, until now the biggest problem of imported instruments.

The STC750 will mature incredibly it's sound with playing time allowing the player to progress with the cello.
The oil based varnish follows the original instrument colour and wear.
Is also available a variant with alcohol varnish making the antique effect even more realistic, the STC750ES.

All STC750 cellos are hand made with high quality flamed maple back, sides and neck, European spruce top, ebony fingerboard, pegs and chinrest. Those instruments are not setup and need the intervention of a violin maker.

The STC750 is a true professional instrument adapted to any use and type of playing.

Scott Cao Conservatory cello 4/4 STC750

3.400,00 €Prijs
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     Vik Vandamme Vioolbouw                     Arme-klarenstraat 9 8800 Roeselare                                                                                 BE0761 718 135

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